All Things Italy
Spring Time
I love Spring as it welcomes new beginnings, rebirth, and warmth. It is the time of year we begin our gardens and look forward to reaping the benefits of fresh organic fruits and vegetables. Spring also is the Easter season. In Italy there are a variety of Easter specialties, and traditions.
A Message for Love
A Message for Love
After this weekend I felt compelled to write. I begin with how I no longer feel safe in this country. What was once a place people aspired to come to and live a dream, is not that country anymore. This country is no longer the land of the is now the land of those living in fear. We live in fear, anxiety, and depression because those we elected and trusted as our officials have blatantly FAILED US. No one has taken a stance to protect us as the citizens of the USA. No one will take charge and say this is ENOUGH. We need change. Enough division, hate, violence, fear, and depression. This is the time for us all to come together and rebuild what was once a safe and beautiful place.